
Grosser Busen

Fullsize Busenbild

Sher's Titflash:

  • by Sher
  • 3.07.2010, 16:42
  • 4.21950

Sher's Busen: Natuerlicher grosser Busen
Sher's Alter: 36 - 42 Jahre
Titflash Photo ID: 22022

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'Nipples that Loved to be Sucked Very Hard.'

Tags: Big tits Grosser Busen Natural tits Tits from Kanada

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  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    Your Nipples of perfection, proud succulent berries. So large, so suckable, drawing me to your breasts to nuzzle and arouse they stand erect, your jewels to be crowned only by my string of pearls.

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 8:07 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    oh come and pose just for me and i will paint you a poem it will be dripping with pearls spilling wet upon your breasts and your eyes will be skies and your hair will be the air oh come and pose for poetry and i will paint your mouth your pouted lips are parted your tongue visible and wet see the captured complexion of your enraptured reflection i will tint your toes in rose and paint fingers that seem to linger let me illustrate your silouette drawn dark upon the gaping sun and in a field of bluebonnets i will expose for you sonnets and if you agree to pose for me in a pair of fish-netted hosiery i will make my poems come naked as the day you were born.

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 8:02 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    watch you from a distance, I brush up against you In the elevator, I speak To you at the water fountain; I smell your beautiful perfume; I admire your clothing, The sound of your voice is charming; These are all pleasures from you, But my greatest pleasure Is tasting you in my mind: Your lips, LIPS, skin,face, Hair, buttocks, breasts,neck, Tongue...all of you...what a taste, If you would only taste Me in return, maybe someday.

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 7:56 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    Your hands… hold my face with soft strength while your thumbs tame the stubble on my cheeks. You comb my sleep-tossed hair without a brush and plant sweet kisses on my neck. Your fingers… touch my bare shoulders with feather-like grace while you stare into the deepest part of my soul. You smile, and a moonbeam escapes your mouth as you blow cool breath on my skin. Your breasts… firm and full dance through my chest hair and your tender nipples tickle me. You spread your thighs over my loin and your soft pubic hair raises my goosebumps. Your wet depth… swallows me, imprisoning me inside while your tightness squeezes me to stillness. We gasp and you lay your face upon my face as the rhythm of our union subsides. Your touch… all of your touch touching all of me… all of our parts are parts of the “we” …

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 7:11 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    If your body was a language, I could amuse each letter with my tongue in lickidy-split.. If your body was a number, I would cruise the contours of your eight into infinity. But, if your body was a moment seen through the view of my iris, I would imagine you beyond the moon til all the light was gone..

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 7:03 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    Put a dozen clothes pins on your nipples? Pour a bottle of chocolate syrup all over your breasts? Cum all over your chest? Lick it like your breasts were big chocolate covered mounds of vanilla ice cream with cherry red nipples and whip cream on top? What a sundae!

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 6:58 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    My, oh my, your tits are lookin' good, With those nipples stickin' out like wood! They're poking out like a puppy's nose, And they're colored like a dark red rose! They look delicious, there, on your breasts, That they draw from me just one request. Can I give them my mouth's attention? To feast on them, is my intention! See how they harden from my sucking, They stir me so I'll want some fucking! They taste much sweeter than berry wine, You've filled me with joy, making them mine!!

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 6:54 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    Absolutely gorgeous , you sexy vixen you......Send MORE of the BEAUTIFUL YOU anytime........xoxo

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 6:50 pm

  • WoW.....says me....fnnuts69@yahoo.co.uk:
    Golden globes of play I love to stare each day I watch them move As You walk It turns me on Always in my thoughts I want to touch I want to hold I want to taste I must be bold I get you home Remove your clothes Imagine my delight When they come into sight I raise my hands And gently stroke Oh heavens I just can’t cope The firmness is nice I touch each one twice Your nipples swell I want them as well Stick out my tongue It just must be done My mouth closes over Your pink areola As my teeth gently bite This must be a sight Your nipples erect My tongue flicking Your body trembling As orgasm explodes

    Mad Dog.....

    July 3, 2010, 6:47 pm

  • tu belleza es mi debilidad:
    hola, un pecho precioso y unos pezones muy apetecibles...enciendes mi deseo y despiertas mi pasion...y me gustaria ver mas...un beso enorme desde españa... pachote@hotmail.es


    July 3, 2010, 5:02 pm

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