"I love the comments but would rather see you cum on them boobman120@yahoo.com"
"Please I want to see you cum on her tits and send it to boobman120@yahoo.com What do you think of them?"
"Please comment."
"This is when she was 19 what do you think of her? What would you do with her. She loves the comments."
"I love your comments please comment and vote"
"I love coments they are such a turn on. Please"
"I want comments the more the better. I want to know what you think."
"Not many comments last time guys you have to do better this time. I only got one response for my request last time it still stands."
"Do you like them? Please leave comments."
"What do you think of them? Should I show more? Your comments are great please send more."
"This is her first post she doesn't think anbody wants to see them please comment tell her what you think"