"Here are the girls before the reduction op! Hope you like them, it's an old pic by Polaroid so a bit fuzzy, but you get the idea! Lots of room for cum on these boys xxx"
"Tell me if you want more. I am sorta unsure about this."
"3rd try"
"Yay or nay? Are these tits fuckable?"
"Hiya guys. It's been a while so here's a close up my my lil tit and big fat nipple. Can't wait to read your comments and I promise to reply to them all ;) Lxxx"
"Let me know what you think, I love comments on my tits"
"She can't keep them covered"
"Looking good! dont you think?"
"Would you like to suck on my nipple?"
"What do you think boys and girls?"
"First time my wife flashed her boobs!"
"Hope u like my tits"
"So you fucks, are you thinking of sticking your man meat between these and giving me my pearl necklace?"
"I love knowing all you viewers are stairing at my breast can't wait to send some more."