"Not the one I planned on sharing today, porn-puter problems caused it. Oh well, have a awesome Thursday everyone:)"
"Taken last night just to post here:) Happy Thursday everyone!"
"Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments. Thought I'd upload another pic for you all :)"
"If you like send a message to bartekglo@interia.pl (burtglob on yahoo messanger) or send your address."
"Happy Valentines to all my fans. Thank you for making me feel loved."
"It's a beautiful morning! Have a great Thursday:)"
"What do you think?"
"Please comment...."
"Hard dark nips... Wowww what a combo"
"Loving the dirty talk, thanks!"
"Happy Hump Day !! The weekend is almost here , yea !! What would you like to do ? Thoughts , comments Kisses Dee .. Look up my blog!"
"tried to show some legs got booted"
"By popular demand - some serious nipple pinching of the twins. Leave me some comments if you want more... Mikey likes it."
"How about guys and girls...do you like them? Hubby enjoys them. Was on the phone when walked in so, I thought he would like a peek."
"Office break"
"Hey... have fun.. :)"
"have not posted the twins in a while ;)"