"Self pic of tits in mirror"
"Warmer day:)"
"just someone we know."
"Just sharing a shot of my huge tits...more on Vcity...just search for Northern nips"
"Friends huge tatas."
"more tits?"
"Not the one I planned on sharing today, porn-puter problems caused it. Oh well, have a awesome Thursday everyone:)"
"Taken last night just to post here:) Happy Thursday everyone!"
"Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments. Thought I'd upload another pic for you all :)"
"If you like send a message to bartekglo@interia.pl (burtglob on yahoo messanger) or send your address."
"Happy Valentines to all my fans. Thank you for making me feel loved."
"It's a beautiful morning! Have a great Thursday:)"
"What do you think?"
"Loving the dirty talk, thanks!"
"Happy Hump Day !! The weekend is almost here , yea !! What would you like to do ? Thoughts , comments Kisses Dee .. Look up my blog!"
"tried to show some legs got booted"