"What is your vote?"
"Happy hump day you think my sweater to small to wear to work?"
"i love my wifes boobs she does not"
"If I break you..Can I keep you?"
"I promised another picture if i got responses...Look what you boys did to me! In case you didn't believe how hard my nipples get when reading your thoughts...PLEASE tell me how you want to use me? I"
"What do you think."
"If you like my tit flash then leave your nice comments and vote. Let me know if you want more. MG"
"Here is the puppies. Dig in guys. Use my lovely wife."
"Tell me what you'd do with my nipples!!!"
"whay would you do with them ;)"
"Enjoy the view"
"Hey guys! My debut pic here on the site. Let me know what you would do to my tight body! I get wet reading your comments..."
"Hi there an old pic but my hubby likes this one x"
"Flannel makes her nipples hard..."
"Well, do you like?"
"only one, but I think it is a beautiful one!"