"no top - no hands
as you told me"
"been shopping?"
"thanks for your output good or bad lol...."
"Anyone for a little Mischief? Or Trouble?"
"I don't bite, unless you're into that sort of thing."
"Yet another! I love this pic!"
"comment and vote"
"4 your eyes only"
"Just another pic hope u guys and gals like.. Shownoffvoyeur@yahoo.com"
"Much more than a handful...can YOU handle these?"
"Hope you enjoy. Be kind. I'm doing my best here. If it's a turn-on for you, it will be a turn-on for me."
"One more for all u gals and guys. I hope the weather gets better so I can show u some outside pics.
"Some more...do you like?"
"this could be me...on top of you..."
"Some highway flashes from my last VW post have a cpl more if response is good! Thanks for great comments on last pics"
"... And Christmas Hangers for the rest who don't care what I look like! :D"