"I love the way my boobs look in this shot... Do you? Check out my blog and sign my guest book if you do !! Kisses Dee"
"Just relaxing and cooling off the girls a bit while on vacation in Mexico"
"Side view for Ozzy and anyone else who likes!"
"response may see more"
"Choosing tops for date night. Do you like it? This just barely holds me in place, so I like it. We love reading your comments (and watching votes!) on our phones while we're out."
"So glad the weekend is here! I think this Girl next Door is going to get a little naughty! Wish you could cum over and give me a hand and maybe a bit more!"
"please be kind"
"just a quick hello from my girls. enjoy you hot comments. ssof1964@gmail.com"
"like comments or exchange... bvdheuvel74@hotmail.com"
"Can't post just one ;) xoxo"
"Got the twins oiled up"
"Enjoy the show!!"
"more of the same ... : P
A pic took outdoor , people saw me making the photo...
"Sommer 2017"